
Make dvd from imovie
Make dvd from imovie

As for going to iDVD, I've heard of lots of reports that this quick function would just take the video from iDVD. You get a lot more control when you actually login to YouTube and actually go to your channel go to the upload page and upload from there. But otherwise I really recommend going to Export Movie or Export Using Quicktime below, and exporting the movie exactly where you want it, and then manually uploading it to YouTube of MobileMe using the regular interface specially for YouTube. If you wanted just to post a casual video to YouTube just something very quick or something very quick to MobileMe Gallery, it's just important maybe to share with some friends then these could be good options specially if you do this a lot. Now I don't actually recommend using most of these options. If we select iTunes we can see we are given some standard options here, we're gonna see this repeated a lot in some of this menus here. The first part of this menu here gives you some very quick options like sharing directly to iTunes, to iDVD, the Media Browser which is a shared library between programs like iDVD, garage band and other things and right up to YouTube and right up to MobileMe Gallery. So you can find all your export options under share in iMovie and there are a ton of them. So instead of addressing it from that viewpoint, let just look at all the different options and talk about them. It all depends on what you plan on using the video for, what the original quality of the video was, where you end up putting the video, all sorts of different things. So I often get asked, what are the best settings for me to export my video from iMovie.

make dvd from imovie

Today's episode, let's look at iMovie export options.

make dvd from imovie

Video Transcript: Hi this is Gary with MacMost Now. Check out MacMost Now 374: iMovie Export Settings at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.

Make dvd from imovie